As we come into the cooler months it’s a perfect time to go within and slow down.
Give yourself permission to “be”, to hibernate, to bring in more of the feminine energy and have warming foods and drinks.
This is the time to nourish and rejuvenate.
Think of it like a recalibration, a very important time to balance the body, mind and soul.
Here are 4 tips to ease yourself into Autumn.
1. Yin yoga – this is a naturally Yin time of year. Practice some gentle Yin poses and hold for 3 to 5 minutes for optimal relaxation. A great pose for this time of year is legs up the wall. For more information see here
2. It’s now the time to eat orange vegetables such as sweet potato, pumpkin and carrot; especially in the form of warm, nourishing meals such as soups, dahls and curries. Root vegetables are best as they are very grounding. Drink warm herbal teas and room temperature or warm water.
3. Dedicate some time to breathing. A simple technique is four deep breaths. Start by exhaling completely. Then breathe in slowly for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7 and slowly exhale for a count of 8. Do this cycle four times and as often as needed. This allows the body to come back into parasympathetic nervous system dominance (PSNS) also known as rest and digest.
4. Allow yourself to go to bed early and hibernate.
(Images Source: unknown)
