Hi Everyone,
Today I am talking about the many benefits of Turmeric.

Image source: webmd.com
This herb is one of my very favourites, as it is so readily available and easy to add to a variety of foods and drinks.
The main role of turmeric is in its ability to modulate inflammation (anti-inflammatory). In Western world chronic inflammation underpins many of the major diseases that are sadly so prevalent in our communities.
Turmeric in ayurvedic terms is described as a bitter and pungent herb. Energetically it is warming and drying.
Turmeric has many properties (functions), it is an analgesic, a cholagogue (supports the release of bile from the gallbladder) which then helps emulsify fats, is an antioxidant and a potent anti-inflammatory.
It can be useful in Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune conditions, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, pain, Alzheimer’s, heart health eczema, psoriasis and digestion.
Inflammation in the body can be caused by triggers in food that are hard to digest for some people, the main ones being dairy (due to the lactose &/ casein), gluten (gliadin &/ glutenin) and sugar. When you have a compromised Gut function or damage to the lining (often known as Leaky Gut or Intestinal Permeability), the proteins in the food are unable to be broken down correctly. This leads to small fragments ending up in the bloodstream, ideally not where they are meant to be. This can start an inflammatory response as the body doesn’t recognise these fragment’s/particles and sees them as invaders as they are not where they are meant to be. 70% – 80% of the immune cells line the Gut, so they then start an inflammatory cascade to protect (their role) us.
This inflammatory cascade can result in many health conditions if it is left untreated and continually receiving more of the triggers, often without the person realising or being connected to the symptoms that the body may be presenting to the owner. Some people often mask these symptoms with NSAID’s (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug’s), which may work for the short term but often come with their side-effects.
Turmeric is one of many herbs that can support and modulate inflammation.
Turmeric needs the black pepper and good quality oil to activate the constituents (curcuminoids) which have the anti-inflammatory benefits. Check for this when you purchase curcuma in a supplement form.
If you would like any help with gut reducing inflammation in your body I would love to help you.
Leigh x