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A simple but effective breathing exercise

Leigh Murdoch

I encourage you to include this in your morning routine, to set yourself up for an amazing spacious day.

This helps put your body into PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System) dominance (rest & digest).  It helps you digest your food, relaxes your nervous system, can reduce anxiety & promotes overall wellness.

  1. Breathe in for the count of 4

  2. Hold for the count of 7

  3. Exhale slowly for the count of 8

Repeat this 3 times and at times of increased anxiety or if you feel ungrounded.

When we breathe with intent for therapeutic benefits it is in and out of the nose sending the breath right down deep into the tummy (expand like a Buddha belly), filling the lungs & notice the expansion through the sides as well and then all the way back up to the chest.  After awhile it will become rhythmic and promote quietness within.

(Image Source: unknown)


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