Sage (Salvia) meaning “safe” or “healthy”
An astringent herb (tightens mucosal tissues)
Some of Sage’s wonderful benefits:
· Memory & attention loss (supports Alzheimer’s)
· Improves cholesterol and triglycerides.
· Antioxidant
· Improves Type II Diabetes and insulin resistance.
· Menopausal night sweats and hot flushes
· Promote digestion due to its bitter and pungent taste.
· Relieves bloating, flatulence and cramping.
· Supports the digestion of fats.
Use Sage as a dried/fresh herb (ensure it smells and tastes vibrant).
As a culinary spice add it to foods.
As a tea 1-2g (2-3/day)
(not recommended in pregnancy or breastfeeding)
Sage & Lemon Tea
1 tablespoon of dried crumbled sage leaves
Thin slice of lemon
Honey (optional)
Bring 1 cup of filtered water to the boil. Place sage & lemon in a mug or infuser (allow room for dry herbs to expand).
Pour freshly boiled water over and allow to steep for 5 minutes.
Strain and add honey to taste (optional)

(Image Source: unknown)