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Remember to Breathe
In and out through the nose, directing your breath right down into your tummy (expanding the belly). Notice how you feel. Alternate nose...

Take the guess work out of knowing what your mineral levels are!
Have a Hair Mineral Tissue Analysis (HTMA) done. This is a non-invasive test, that is used as a health screening tool to measure your...

Sage (Salvia) meaning “safe” or “healthy” An astringent herb (tightens mucosal tissues) Some of Sage’s wonderful benefits: · Memory...

5 Tips for Vibrant Health
Breathe Diaphragmatically – in and out through your nose, long and slow, moving your lower tummy. This tells your body “you are safe” and...

How to Support a Healthy, Daily Bowel Movement
Drink 2L filtered water each day (room temperature) Start your morning (upon rising) with one glass of warm water and juice of half a...

Welcome to Autumn…
As we come into the cooler months it’s a perfect time to go within and slow down. Give yourself permission to “be”, to hibernate, to...

5 Ways to Include More Magnesium in Your Diet
Magnesium (Mg) is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. 1. Leafy green vegetables 2. Raw cacao; for example protein...

Are Oats Gluten Free?
This question causes a lot of confusion. Gluten is the name given to a protein in wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin), barley (hordein) & oats...

My Specialisations
As a Naturopath I treat the whole person on all levels; mind, body & spirit. I do however have a few particular areas of interest that I...

Is Dairy good for you?
Dairy contains the three macronutrients – protein, fats and carbohydrates. If you react to dairy, it is often the carbohydrate (sugar)...

How much protein do I need?
It is individualised and amounts can vary depending on your activity level, age, muscle mass, current health status, during pregnancy and...
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