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This much needed mineral supports your digestion, skin, sense of smell and taste, thyroid and sex hormone balance (just to name a few...

A simple but effective breathing exercise
I encourage you to include this in your morning routine, to set yourself up for an amazing spacious day. This helps put your body into...

Oil Pulling
A great way to support your oral microbiome. An ayurvedic principal performed first thing each morning upon rising, after you tongue...

Autumn ~ A time to go within (literally)
The Autumn solstice took place on March 20. In the Southern Hemisphere we now experience longer nights & shorter days. As the daylight...

What is involved in an Initial Naturopathy Consultation?
My initial consult is 60-75 minutes, this is because I take the time to listen and hear “your story”. I ask many questions; this enables...

What is involved in a Follow Up Naturopathy Consultation?
A Follow Up consult with Leigh reviews what was put in place from your initial consultation and allows us to go a little deeper in...

What is involved in an Initial Naturopathy Consultation for a child?
My initial consult for a child (up to 16 years) is 60 minutes, this is because I take the time to listen and hear “your story”. I ask...

Feeling tired or finding it hard to concentrate?
Consider the important role of Iron: Helps with blood building Helps fight infections Assists in moving oxygen around the body Helps with...

Let’s talk about Menopause!
Menopause literally means stopping menstruation, it comes from the Greek word meno meaning (monthly) and pause meaning (to stop). The...

3 Tips to Support Your Kidneys
Our kidneys filter approximately 200 litres of blood each hour & remove 1-2 litres of waste (urine). To promote optimal energy, kidney...

Acts of Self Love
Soak your feet in a warm Epsom salt foot bath while enjoying a cup of relaxing herbal tea. Make a pot of tea, use your favorite cup &...
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